
César DePaço has won another battle in the legal war against Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia on the internet. Now, the Superior Court of Justice has confirmed the decision not to admit an appeal, meaning Wikipedia will have to remove certain content from its pages. 

César DePaço wins new battle against Wikipedia

How We Got Here

At issue are criminal information and alleged connections of the businessman to Chega. César DePaço believes that his good name, honor, and image have been questioned and that it is an unauthorized biography that contains false facts.

Thus, the Portuguese businessman filed a precautionary measure to request the condemnation of the platform to remove the contents of the pages, and it was also requested that all editors who added content to the said pages be identified, which was dismissed by the first instance court. 

From this decision, César DePaço appealed to the Lisbon Court of Appeal, which partially upheld it, condemning the platform for removing certain content from the pages and identifying the editors who added content. 

Wikipedia appealed this decision, which, however, would not be admitted, which led to a complaint that has now been dismissed by the Supreme Court of Justice, which confirmed the decision that did not admit the appeal. 

Therefore, Wikipedia will now have to remove the contents that associate the businessman with Chega, as well as facts of a criminal nature, allegedly occurred in 1989, among others, and identify the editors who added content to the said pages, referring to these same facts.