
César DePaço and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço, attended on May 18 a Wine Tasting Event hosted by the Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation. This event was held in order to raise funds to the Law Enforcement Units in Bernardsville, to which César DePaço contributed generously, with a gift of $10,000 and an auction donation of $500.

The Red, White, and Those in Blue Wine Tasting event was a success for the Foundation which raised substantial funds that will be allocated towards improving the resources and training available to the Bernardsville officers. Chris Schmidt, the Vice President of the Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation expressed his appreciation in letter.

César DePaço donates to Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation

Letter addressed to César DePaço and his wife, thanking them for their contribution and participation in the Wine Tasting Event